Friday, May 28, 2021 Categories:

The Statewide Parcel Project team is pleased to announce we are nearing the completion of the project. We continue to be extremely grateful to the counties and their vendors for sharing their data with this project and for providing their assistance.

Phase 1 Update (aggregation of existing county data):

  • Complete: Establish Baseline Status
  • Complete: Conduct Pilot Study
  • Complete: Conduct Full Statewide Effort
  • Complete: Parcel Maintenance Service
  • In Progress: Documentation, confidential information standardization, June 8 maintenance webinar planning (All county/vendor contacts have been invited and should please attend)

Phase 2 Update (creation of new data for Adams and Benson counties):

  • Complete: Conduct Pilot Study
  • Complete: Conduct Full Effort

We are still planning a July 1 release of the data and web services along with some hopefully helpful documentation including FAQs. 

Currently, we are planning for the Parcel Program maintenance and enhancement work to be done during 2021-2023.

You can view the status, as well as detailed project updates on the Statewide Parcel Project website. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.