Monday, March 27, 2023 Categories:

Recently Completed Work Includes

  • Thank you to all who helped us update the statewide dataset with your data during our recent end-of-year/start-of-year push.  Having current data is needed for the Game and Fish land posting application and for all users of the data.

  • Thank you to all who responded to the recent survey in which we asked how we can improve these updates.  Your input supports this email and will be used in future webinars and emails to make them more efficient and informative.

  • The team has implemented an automated reminder notification to update the tax roll and/or parcel data should the last data import date exceed the scheduled frequency. This only applies to data manually loaded using MOVEit.

  • The Cities of Dickinson and Bismarck have been added to the statewide dataset.  This was made possible through their generosity and through their use of feature services.

  • The Status Maps on the Parcel Program website are now updated nightly instead of weekly to more accurately reflect the last imported date. The content shown in the Parcel Viewer is updated weekly.

Current Work Includes

  • Improving the currency of all parcel and tax roll datasets.  There are just a few remaining counties that need a refresh as shown on the date imported status maps available from the Parcel Program website. If you see that your county needs a refresh, please submit updated data. Let us know if you need help with that.

  • Further refinement of the processes that create the validation and mismatch reports to try to remove “inactive parcels”. These reports are available by clicking on the “County Parcel Data Enhancement Files” link near the bottom of the Parcel Program website.

  • Working with counties and their vendors to ensure compliance with protected information (please see the “Request to Protect Information” HERE for more information).  Only 6 counties have not yet given us the greenlight to publicly provide their data as received.  For these counties, we currently remove the parcel owner and address from the entire county dataset which reduces the usability of the data. 

  • We are in the early stages of planning for the transition from the current budget cycle to the new one. As soon as we are able to, we will share our plans for 2023-25.