Monday, April 1, 2019 - 10:00 am Categories:

Save the Date! The 2019 North Dakota Geospatial Summit will be October 22-23 in Bismarck at the Event Center.

What began in 2001 as GIS Day became the North Dakota GIS Users Conference and that has now grown up to be the North Dakota Geospatial Summit, the one-of-a-kind statewide event.

You are cordially invited to attend the North Dakota Geospatial Summit as a presenter, sponsor, vendor, or attendee. Why? Here are some ideas:

  • Network with others in your profession - whether you are a casual user, a grizzled veteran, or anything between
  • Vendors and attendees can discuss the latest technology and systems
  • Attend presentations and workshops that you can apply to your job by:
    • Hearing new ideas
    • Learning new skills and honing existing ones
    • Brushing up on existing skills
  • Many applicable topics to select from, here are a few of the ones being planned:
    • UAS
    • Mobile GIS
    • ArcGIS Pro
    • Location Intelligence
    • Application Development
    • Cloud
    • Environmental
    • Cartography

As more details for the North Dakota Geospatial Summit are set in place they will be announced on the website you are viewing now, the email list, Twitter, and soon, the North Dakota Geospatial Summit website.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.

Please pass along this information, thanks.