Monday, May 24, 2021 Categories:

Several changes have been made to the GIS Hub infrastructure and will be implemented June 1:



The GIS Hub has been based on Oracle since 2002 and will now be using Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server provides the improved access and self-service that State agencies have been asking for and it is also much less costly to operate.  

Impact due to this change:

  • State agencies that connect to the GIS Hub databases will need to change the database connection information in project files if they haven’t already. 

GIS Hub Data Portal

A key component of the GIS Hub has always been the ability to have a single application to make all State agency geospatial data and information discoverable and accessible whether the data are located on the GIS Hub proper or on State agency websites. Over the years, the GIS Hub Data Portal has undergone three changes of the underlying technology and now it is time for a fourth change. In this new version, the Hub Data Portal is using a component of Esri’s ArcGIS Online. The GIS Hub has been using ArcGIS Online since ArcGIS Online first came out and we can now leverage that investment, saving significant money and due to the streamlined data workflow, saving substantial staff time. You can view the new Hub Data Portal HERE.

Impact due to this change:

  • Data download: No longer will one receive an email containing a link to the data, there are fewer choices for download format (our statistics show the majority of downloads are shapefiles and file geodatabase), and there is no option for choosing a coordinate system nor for drawing/selecting download area (though one can download data within the zoom window).

Visual ND

Visual ND will be removed (if you wish to view this application, please visit the GIS website and click the Visual ND button). Visual ND was originally developed in response to the beginning oil and gas boom as a means for providing State agency ArcGIS Online-based web maps and other content. Current content of that application has been rolled into the new GIS Hub Data Portal.