Start: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 09:00 am
SGC Meetings
Location Details
Game and Fish Department
100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck, ND 58501-5095
Meeting Agenda
- GIS Program Report
- Imagery
- Integrated Mapping
- Cloud Status
- Database Feature Classes
Meeting Recap
- GIS Program Report
- Draft reviewed; minor edit suggestions made
- Pending edits, the report is approved for publication
- Imagery
- It is likely the 2019 NAIP will be a subscription product, meaning we will no longer be able to access and distribute as we have been doing
- The future state of NAIP is still being discussed at the federal level
- The GISTC plans to continue supporting the Department of Emergency Services Google imagery program
- Integrated Mapping
- A draft of the integrated ArcGIS Online map was shown
- There are a number of other agencies interested in this tool which provides the ability to drive the map content based on attribute selections on the web page
- Cloud Status
- The "cloud first" vision of the Governor is driving the move of GIS to the cloud
- Esri Professional Services was on site for two days to assist in deploying ArcGIS Enterprise to Azure
- The proof of concept was a success in terms of both Esri and ITD learning and also getting the software installed and working
- State security requirements create a number of challenges
- Azure file storage may have some limitations
- A desktop software environment was not set up
- There will be a tremendous amount of testing and training need to deploy ArcGIS to Azure; the server are the relatively minor component of the overall work
- Database Feature Classes
- Naming conventions will be utilized to organize feature classes if we move from organizing by feature datasets
- Esri doesn't provide any organizational capabilities beyond a feature dataset; using feature datasets creates data maintenance issues such as locked feature classes
- Planning to use 3- or 4-character prefixes to help sort the information
Date of Notice:
December 19, 2017
Notice Provided By:
B Nutsch, 701-328-3212